Monday, August 5, 2013

A Few Changes....AND A BLOG!!

     Okay, peoples. I realize I have not posted. At all. I do apologize! I've been meaning to, but I have NOT had time to film.
     Which is a bummer.
     At least for me.

     I'm going to change a few things. Because I haven't had time to film my reviews, I'm going to type them out. I'll post the links to the songs, maybe some pictures, but I won't be filming anything. I HOPE to update every week, but that may or may not happen, due to crazy schedules. Hopefully, I will.

     My younger sister has made a blog! And it's great, too! It is It's basically her talking about our life. We both use pseudonyms, of course, and her pseudonm for me is "Joy Browns," for the record. But, anyway, check it out! She'll probably update it much more often than I did for the past few months..

     Okay, I am going to bed now. Tomorrow, I will try and write a post. A hint on my topic? Dorothy Gale. Goodnight, all, and God bless!
                                                                                       Still in Treble...
                                                                                              Ginny Keys ♫

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